Monday, July 6, 2009

Imporant Updates

To better suit the needs of our teams, the choreography times have been adjusted. We don't like to change schedules but this is a necessary change based on the needs of the teams.

Please see information below.

**Note: Because several of the Fabulous Youth athletes will be in camp, the youth schedule must be adjusted on Sunday, July 12. Please note that in place of the regular Sunday schedule, the Youth and Mini team will have an open tumbling class on Sunday, July 12 from 1:30-3:30. The athletes on the junior Fury team should NOT attend the tumbling class. The Fury athletes should remain in choreography camp.

**Note: There will be NO Fury practice on Tuesday, July 14. Take the night off and rest. You'll be very tired after three days of camp!

Saturday, July 11

10:00 - 3:00 Fierce (break from 12:30-1:00)

3:30-8:00 Fury (break from 5:30-6:00)

Sunday, July 12

11:30 a.m. -3:30 p.m. Fury (break from 1:30-2:00)

4-9:00 Fierce (break from 6:00-6:30)

Monday, July 13

9:00 a.m. -12:00 Fury (no long break, just drink breaks)

4:00-9:00 Fierce (break from 6:00-6:30)

Tuesday, July 14 (Fierce Only)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fury and Fierce Choreography Camp

Choreography camp starts next week! Be sure to arrive 10 minutes early. Wait in the lobby until the coaches come to get you. When your time starts, you must be completely ready (shoes on, hair in ponytail with a bow, metal out of your body and etc). Don't waist time by not being ready on time. Be completely ready.

Bring a water bottle and put in your cubbie. No farting around at camp. Camp is all about getting down to business. We'll fart around later in the summer but not at camp.

Camp is closed to parents. However, we will plan to do a parent show 'n tell on the last day of camp! Moms and Dads are welcome to come visit (in the lobby) during scheduled breaks.

Saturday, July 11
10:00 - 2:30 Fury (break from 12:30-1:00)
3:00-8:00 Fierce (break from 5:30-6:00)

Sunday, July 12
10:00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Fierce (break from 12:30-1:00)
3:30 - 7:30 Fury (break from 5:30-6:00)

Monday, July 13
9:00 a.m. -12:00 Fury (no long break, just drink breaks)
4:30-8:30 Fierce (no long break, just drink breaks)

Tuesday, July 14 (Fierce Only)
Times TBA

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Coaches Conference

Coach Heather, Emily, Kelcee and Abi attended the Jamfest coaches conference in Louisville on June 26 and 27. While there, they attended several classes.

Choreography Trends
Coach Heather, Kelcee and Abi took several choreography classes. These classes are designed to give us an idea about the upcoming trends in the industry. For example: in the 1980's everyone did the Running Man and the Cabbage Patch. Well that trend went away and new styles started. We gotta be sure that we know what's in and what's not! These choreography trends generally generate on the west coast. Two very FAMOUS choreographers from California were at the conference. Therefore, the MPA coaches had the chance to learn some new, very fast, choreography. Their necks are still sore!

Stunts, Baskets and Transitions
All of the coaches attended stunt classes. These classes are designed to give the coaches an idea of upcoming new stunts (what's cool and what's going out of style). These classes gave the coaches some new ideas on kick double twist baskets, new rules for Level 1,2,3,4 and 5 stunts, different grips for full ups and half ups and etc. The coaches have great ideas for the youth team! And they are aware of the new rules for juniors and seniors.

One new trend will be for the teams to do a lib series, a basket and second lib series and a mount. This is new. The trend over the past several years has been to do a libs series and then a basket into the mount.

Stunt classes were taught by coaches from Fame All Stars and Arizona Heat (both are HUGE all star programs).

The level 5 teams are expected to do 5 jumps in a routine. That's what they want to see. Difficult foot work and all sorts of spinning around and stuff. Toe touch front tucks are weighted the same and toe backs AND the judges like toe fronts.

The other levels are expected to have excellent technique and pointed toes. They said that jumps are weighted as much as tumbling so kids should not spend all their time working on their tumbling if they don't have a hyper-extended jump. The instructors said that an athlete should work on jumps at tumbling class if that athlete doesn't have a strong jump. A bad jump will hurt the scoresheet more than a mediocre back handspring will help it.

Seems like logical thinking....

Tumbling Classes
Coach Em and Coach Abi attended tumbling. These classes are designed to give the coaches ideas on the new trends with tumbling and well as innovative ideas on how to teach tumbling.

  • For Level 5 - Double fulls are not all the rage anymore. It's good to have a few double fulls for the "impressive" factor but the judges want to see variety rather than one double full right after another.
  • Level 5 -The judges want to see layout 1/2 step out into another skill, or 1 1/2 step out into another skill.
  • Level 3,4,5 - Punch fronts are legal at level 3 and they are expecting level 3 teams to include punch fronts into routines.
  • Level 3,4,5 - Aerials are cool - judges love them. Use them.
  • Level 1,2,3,4,5 - The trend is also headed towards front walk overs into everything. The instructors and judges told us that everyone on the squads should be able to do a front and back walkover with straight legs and pointed toes. Judges will be expecting to see front walkover entries into tumbling passes.
  • All Levels - the instructors all said that it's best to teach progressions rather than spot. They all believe that it's important for the athlete to do a ton of drills rather than constantly be spotted. They said, "spotters are like crack to the All Stars. Spotters, like crack, don't help you learn anything." We actually agree with this. We prefer to teach progressions and we like to see the girls working on skills in pits or on mats by themselves. Certainly we will spot (of course we will) to maintain their safety. But learning proper technique is much better than using a spotter.
  • All Levels Coaches say that kids shouldn't tumble with bad technique - don't move on to the back tuck if the back handspring is not perfected.
  • All Levels Coaches say that kids should run at practices. Running is the best way to get into tiptop tumbling shape.
  • All Levels All athletes should have a great handstand snap-down with ankles together and toes pointed. Amen!
  • All Levels All athletes should do safety rolls. (We do safety rolls at almost all practices).
  • All Levels Athletes should condition (a lot) and also do so at home. All of the instructors stressed the importance of conditioning to prevent injuries and to help the athletes achieve their skills.

Social Networking

The upcoming trend is Twitter. All of the cheer companies will be using Twitter to update parents about a competition running late or to keep everyone posted on the team standings. And they used Midwest Panthers as an example of a program that is on the up and up with technology! We were the talk of the weekend! We have a gym Facebook and Twitter. Thank you Katie for helping us be infront of the trend!

Questions about the conference?

If you have specific questions about the conference, or tips for tumbling or stunting, please post them on this site.