Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's almost New Year's! Time to get into shape!


There is no practice on Sunday, December 28. Several Panthers, parents and even Coach Abi have come down with that stomach bug. I want to give it one more day to settle down before we get back into the gym together. So many people are goodness.

I think both New Year's races look great.

One is downtown

One is in Westerville

Both races start at 11:00 a.m.

Amber can't make it. Vicki can make it...I can make it. Who else wants to? And which location works better for you?


Vickie said...

Either location is fine. Downtown might be more scenic than Polaris. So, I vote for that one.

Amber/Jazzy said...

Yikes, the stomach bug that isn't good.

I am ready to get in shape. Since I will not be at the gym today I will go to the YMCA and get on the treadmill and ride my stationary bike at home. I have alot to workoff.

Hope everyone feels better. Looks pretty nice out. Maybe I should run outside.

Vickie said...

Ok I forgot to share fun Christmas gifts. I purchased Wii Fit for the kids (OK its for me also) I figured it will help the boys at least be active if they are playing video games. I also got Wii Cheer for Kaitlyn and we have not played it yet!

I got myself a pair of running tights. I really have to try them on a few my times before I decide if I will keep them. I suppose a pair of shorts over them should hide alot.

I plan on running outside this afternoon also.

Coach Abi said...

I am still hiding inside from the cold weather. Running on the treadmill just about every day though. I justify it to myself by putting it on an incline.

I hate being sick, but I'm still sticking to my story that its not the stomach bug everyone else has.

On a good note, I went jeans shopping over the Holiday and I have lost 4 pants sizes! So, that's exciting.

Vickie said...

Congrats to you Abi-that is very, very impressive, so share with us your secrets. I am jealous-I would be happy for one size let alone four! Hope you feel better soon.

Elaine said...

Pigtail and Babytail will be town on New Years Day...I don't know if Kelly packed running gear, but if she did, we might make it!

I've been sick. My 10 month old niece is just so stinkin' cute, I couldn't resist lovin' on her and caught her cold. I'm a mess!

I hope you all had wonderful holiday!

My nutrition/eating has been crap! I will start a new on January 1! My goal is to do a half marathon in June or July.

Amber/Jazzy said...

Abi that is great, 4 pants sizes!!! I am with Vickie 1 pant size would be a major accomplishment so 4 is awesome. Hot mamma coming through.

I went to the YMCA and ran today. It was pretty nice out though, but I decided the treadmill would be best. I plan on going again tomorrow morning. Might as well get some exercise in while I am off of work.

I think I need new running shoes. My little toe is starting to rub on the side of my shoe when I am running.

Vickie, Jaz got WE CHEER too, she is getting really good at it. It is pretty hard, but fun to watch. She also go this game called Order Up, I am addicted to that game. Seriously I played for 3 hours by myself yesterday. So of course I did not workout.

I got a subscription to Runners World...still waiting on my first issue.

Debra said...

Hi there! Everyone is so motivated in here. I swear, I need sugar rehab and detox. I told Emily, I think I have have fallen off the wagon and been run over by the cart. Fortunately, I have been on the scale and the damage has been minimal, so I guess all is not lost.

I plan on apologizing to my treadmill today for neglecting it most of December. I'll let you know if we are back on speaking tearms.

Have I mentioned that I HATE cold weather? I'm such a weanie and it takes all I can muster to make myself workout that the thought of going outside to run during any time period where the weather man even mentions wind chill makes me want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and hope that the cookies stay in the pantry.

So I guess my point is, until the blush of spring, I will hopefully be best friends with my treadmill (and not the couch).

Wii fit must have been THE gift of the season. My parents got one for our girls.

My sister has one and we were playing it over Thanksgiving. I noticed that it made the muscles around my ankles sore - in a good way, like it was making them stronger. That would be a nice perk - especially for the girls - no more rolled ankles.

So, that's my story. Glad to hear you guys are hanging in there. Abi & Elaine, I hope you both feel better. (My sister and nephew had a terrible cold, and I'm really hoping this one passes me by.)

Ahh the holidays! The time for sharing. . . . even germs. ICK!

JulesV5 said...

I am thinking about running one of the I able to register at one when I get there...last minute for me sorry!!

Update on me...I have been working out a little less the past couple weeks but have kept up on trying to hit the gym at least 3 days a week...I don't think I lost to much of my endurance... I hope not anyway..

let me know which race is decided and if I can register there and I will try to make it..

Amber/Jazzy said...

Hey Debra,

I want to get Wii Fit for myself now. At Target yesterday I saw that the trainer from the Biggest Loser, Jillian, has a cartridge for the WiiFit called Jillian 2009. She is intense so it will probably be good.

JulesV5 said...

Depending on the temperature Erica and I might enjoy the Frozen Nose Run in Marysville...anyone else? I have been working out still but not as much during the holidays...Hope everyone is doing well