Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Great job Gems! Keep training this week - it's important to spend time outside this winter!

Stuff to know:
  1. We compete this weekend so we will not meet for our training on Sunday.
  2. We will do group training on Sunday, Nov. 23. Lift at 5:05. Run/walk at 5:30
  3. We will do group training on Sunday Nov 30 (I'll be in town so I might as well do group training with y'all!)
  4. Thanks for all the advice Bob -you're the group running guru.
  5. Thanks for the great photos Stu - we'll enjoy having a record of our accomplishments!
  6. A few of you have expressed an interest in nutrition/meal plans. Would you like me to invite a person to come to the gym and give a presentation on nutrition?
I thought this clip might help continue to inspire you. Julie Moss crawled over the finish line - this is certainly enough to get you motivated to get off the couch! After 2.4 miles in the water, 112 miles on the bike and 26.2 on the run....she wasn't going to be carried over that line. She crawled - by herself. "I am woman, hear me roar!"


Coach Abi said...

Holy Crap. I think I would have been out for the count on the swimming part. That is amazing that anyone is able to do all of that, let alone to have the drive to keep going when clearly your body is telling you that it's checking out.

I know some of you guys were sitting in the lobby last night during Glitz practice. Did anyone see the gymnast tumbling who only had one arm? I was out in "adult open gym" with the extra mile girls from glam and everyone was simply floored. She was amazing. She was a beautiful tumbler. Heather said that she has seen her do some amazing vaults too. She was not hindered by her disability AT ALL. It definitely inspired our girls who were out there.

Vickie said...

Well its been quiet here. Is everyone still recuperating from Sunday?

I ran two miles today (at a very slow pace but I did run) and a funny thing happened. Near the very end my left foot went numb. I have never had this happen before-I was able to finish but it felt really weird. Has anyone had this happen? I seem to remember someone telling me that this happened to them on Sunday and was thinking it was Debra maybe? Just curious.

Emily I would love to have someone talk about nutrition. One thing I am finding is that I am a little more careful about what I eat. I think before I eat "you had such a great workout why ruin it with this". It does work, well at least sometimes :)

Other than that got to try to run on Friday because looks like we will be busy with the big weekend competition. Hope to see most of you then.

MPA Coaches said...

Hi folks,

The schedule is incomplete - Americheer hasn't added us yet - how crazy because Heather has talked to them every single day this week. Anyhow, I don't think we'll be at the competition until around 3 ish (not 100% sure since the schedule isn't out) but I don't think we'll be there until 3:00. so we could meet for a Saturday run.

Anyone interested in that?