A few gals are talking about sore shins...the dreaded shin splint. Overtraining is a big culprit for this overuse injury. Some folks tend to get them because of an inbalance between the calf and the shin. Some get shin splints because of the position of their feet striking the ground. Some get them because of their shoes. And some get shin splints because they did too much too soon.
If you're feeling the shin pain, I sugget the following:
- Apply ice each day for the next few days.
- Do your toe flexes; 2 sets of 50 each day.
- Calf raises; 2 sets of 50 each day
- Check your shoes. If you haven't been fitted for proper shoes, you should try FrontRunner or Fleet Feet. They will watch you walk and they will determine what shoe is best for your feeet. You need to replace your shoes about every 300 miles. Yes, walking around at the mall or baseball games does break down your shoes. Pay attention to the mileage on those shoes!
- Stretch your shins and calves before and after you run.
- Make sure that you're not overtraining.
It's important that y'all don't increase more than 10% of your running mileage each week. I mentioned that I can suck it up and run 5 miles if my ego is on the line. But my stabalizer muscles aren't trained for it. So although I can do the distance, I'll feel really sore for about a week after. It's crazy to jump in too quickly. Might as well ease into it so I can avoid the discomfort later.
If you ease into it, you shouldn't experience much residual pain. You'll have normal soreness during the run but you shouldn't have bone/joint pain. If you do, that's a red flag. Stick with the plan. Don't do more than what is on the plan. If you want to do additional training, do aerobics, swimming, weight training or biking. Your smaller muscle groups aren't ready for you to pound the pavement each day. You need to build up to that.
I know that you have doubts - but you'll become addicted to the road. Our bodies are engineered to run. Some folks can run at Mach speeds, some can run marathons, some run slow, some can't go far. But almost all human beings on the planet have the ability to run. It's part of our design. Your body will adapt. A thousand years ago we were both hunters and the hunted. We ran to catch our prey and we ran from the predators that tried to eat us.
You will adapt. It's all part of evolution. Fittest survive baby. Hang tight. Great job yesterday!
Reminder for the 8 Week plan:
Week 1 – EZ run at gym, 1 mile run, 1.25 mile run
Week 2 – EX run at gym, 1 mile run, 1.25 mile run
Week 3 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 1.5 mile run
Week 4 – EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 1.75 mile run
Week 5 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 2 mile run
Week 6 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 2.25 mile run
Week 7 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 2.5 mile run
Week 8 - EX run at gym, 1 mile run, 5k race!
Week 2 – EX run at gym, 1 mile run, 1.25 mile run
Week 3 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 1.5 mile run
Week 4 – EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 1.75 mile run
Week 5 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 2 mile run
Week 6 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 2.25 mile run
Week 7 - EX run at gym, 1.25 mile run, 2.5 mile run
Week 8 - EX run at gym, 1 mile run, 5k race!
Actually, I never thought I would be one to "overtrain". I always thought I was more likely to "undertrain".
But I must agree, the way my calves are feeling I think that I have been "overtraining". I was tempted to try to run last night during extra-mile but we walked the route instead so I still feel like I did something.
It sometimes have a hard time listening to my body, especially when I have a goal in mind. I guess you could say I am goal motivated, which at times is not always a good thing.
Have a good week everyone!
I'm so glad to see/hear all of you guys going out and walking/running together at other practices besides the one on Sunday. It makes it much easier when you have a support group to go with!
Overtraining can be really easy to do if you are a goal oriented person. I know that for me, I want to run every single day and I want to go farther than I did the day before. The only thing is that when I over do it, I end up with sore ankles, knees and hips. Then I end up having to take it easy for a while. I'm learning the hard way that it's important to pace yourself! You'll get further in the long run if you do.
Well, I'm struggling today. Is anyone else out there there stuggling with motivation. (Vickie, can I borrow some of yours?)
I admit it. I'm procrastinating. I know that I need to either get outside or get on that treadmill today, but I haven't been able to make myself do it.
Ok, I promise I will do it. Before the evening is done, I will get my fanny (that looks big in my jeans - ha ha!) moving. But it did start me thinking. . . we all can't be motivated every day. Some days, I just really don't feel like it. I guess I'm still waiting for the "joy of running" to kick in.
So, if anyone else is out there, dragging their heals, putting off the next step in our journey towards health, happiness and skinny jeans . . . . I feel your pain. I'm here for you.
Now I'm going to go force myself to get through this exercise funk.
Don't feel bad Debra. I did nothing today!!! This is a planned "rest" day.
I do intend to run tomorrow.
By the way did you mention doing a 5k with your daughter? Have you picked one yet?
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