Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Week 3 - let's chat a bit!

You've all been working so hard. It's so impressive to read your running stories. You must feel so proud of yourself.

Let's discuss these things:
1. Have you been recording your workouts? We discussed some electronic resources. Are you using an electronic resource or a notebook or are you forgetting to do it?

2. Are you surprised by what you've accomplished in such a short period of time?

3. Because we will receive a discount by signing up as a group, we should plan to mail all of our registration forms together (for the Trot for Tots). Does anyone want to volunteer to collect those and mail them? If so, we can put our registration forms and checks in your child's folder at the gym.

4. Has your family commented on what you're doing?

5. Bob and Stu both get in the "zone" when they run. They can think about work, their hobbies, politics...whatever. Stu says it's easy to run 10 miles for him because he just "thinks" and that keeps him interested. I'm not able to "think" until I'm in shape. Right now, all I can think about is that I'm running. How about y'all?


Vickie said...

Good morning! My it's certainly a cold one today-does anyone here run 1st thing in the morning? I would love to do that but couldn't get out of bed early enough let alone battle the cold.

Well Emily I must admit I have did no tracking at all. I looked at the websites and thought "gee these are neat" and have never went back to them. Must start this!

I can volunteer to collect race forms and get them sent in. I would think that it would be good to have them by next Wednesday the 29th. Didn't we need to have them in by November 1st to get the discount? I will double check on this.

Amber-way to go! I am proud of you-1 mile!!! I am waiting for the time when I can reach that.

I went out with the dog last night on a 2-mile trail. Let me tell you my dog is a great workout partner. Her walking pace is a very, very fast walk for me. She wore me out last night. She kept up this pace for about 1 1/2 miles before she slowed down.

I am sure you are thinking, wow I must have some big dog or some speedy dog like a greyhound. Wrong-she is just a little poodle. Kind of crazy that I have problems keeping up with such a little dog. She was exhausted by the end and I was too.

Now instead of having the calves hurting me, it is my knee. I tell you, this old body is really feeling this change in activity level.

Have a great day all.

Vickie said...

OK-I checked and registrations must be postmarked by November 6th so why don't we turn them in by Sunday November 2nd.

Also, we need a group name-
"Midwest Panthers"
"Prowling Panther Parents"
"Prowling Panthers"
any other ideas???

Vickie said...


Is anybody out there??

I miss reading everyones stories. How are things going for everyone?

Well today I actually decided to check the distance on my local route I run and I have manage to make it 1/2 mile before I have to start walking (it sure seemed liked further). Oh well, my goal for the next run is 3/4 of a mile. I am hoping before the 3K to get to 1.5 miles.

Bob said...

Vicki - try slowing down a bit (follow your breathing - you should be able to have a conversation while running - even if it's with yourself) and you should be able to go farther. If you get to 1.5 miles, you should have no problem finishing the 3K race.

Regardng the race - it's going to start at 1:00 so it shouldn't be too cold. You should start figuring out what you want to wear and then try it out on some of your runs. You don't want to try anything new for the race (shoes, clothes, pre-run food, etc.)

If you get in the routine of eating the same thing and wearing the same clothes before at least one of your runs each week (say the longest one you do each week) it will give you confidence for the race. Before every long run and race I eat a bagel with peanut butter, a banana, and my daily vitamins 3 hours prior to the long run / race. I wear the same shorts and never wear a new pair of running shoes on the day of a long run or race. There are some things you can't control (for example the weather on race day), but you can make sure you eat something and wear something that won't hinder your race performance.

Amber/Jazzy said...

Hey Vickie,
Way to go. I know you will get to 3/4 of a mile next time.
Bob this is all so technical. I must figure out what I am going to wear for the race now. Oh the pressure. I want to try out some protein shakes. Does anyone know of any that aren't nasty?
I am supposed to run again tomorrow, but it is supposed to rain and I almost rain tonight while Jaz was in practice, but it was darker then I thought it would be and I didnt want to get hit in the parking lot. If it rains I will get on the stationary bike to keep my legs moving.

Oh Vickie, I have my registration filled out and in the car. I forgot to bring it in the gym.

Vickie said...

Speaking of clothes what do you wear when it gets colder. Right now I can just wear a long sleeved shirt and be fine. There is so much to choose from when it comes to jackets and cold weather gear. I need a little advice from the experts

Coach Abi said...

Amber - I use a protein powder called Aria. I get it in the "organic" section of the regular grocery store. I like it because it is low in sugar and calories. You'll find that protein powders can tend to be really high in sugar and calories so it is not a sweet as some of the other powders out there but I really like it. People use protein drinks when trying to build muscle or add mass. That's not me, I use it because I don't eat much protein in my regular diet so I need an easy way to get it in. So low sugar and calories is a good thing for me!

Deborah - You signed up for this race? C'mon! Sarah and I will run it with you; you'll do great and be so proud of yourself for making it!

I got my husband back off the couch and back out the door with me and I at least have him talking about training to run a half a marathon with me. We'll see how long that will last :)

Debra said...

Hey Guys! Good chatter going on in here. Lots of good information.

I confessed to Emily last night that I have been bad. I think I fell off the birthday wagon and took a week off. Not good. Not good. But don't count me down and out. I'm climbing back up. I'm still in for Trot for Tots. I'll do the best I can.

I have wondered about the cold weather gear too. Sarah is frustrated by the change in weather and that it is getting dark so early. I know we'll be using the treadmill more this winter, but in order to do some of these races I think we have to do some training outside.

I have been doing some reading where it said to dress like it's 10 degrees warmer than it is. You should start off a little chilly. But does regular clothes do the job, or do I need to be shopping in running gear for us?

Thanks for the boost, Abi! I'm still here and not giving up. It's time to get back to business. I have set my next weight loss goal - shooting for pre-pregnancy weight. (Yes I know Diana's 13. Just didn't want to rush it. Ha ha!) Apparently running is what it's going to take to get me there. . . . .so I'll let you know how today's training goes . . . . since I haven't trained since Wednesday of last week. EEEK!

Bob said...

Regarding dressing - I agree with Debra - you should dress as if it's 10-15 degrees warmer than it really is. If you're warm when you walk outside, you've got too much on and you'll be too hot midway through the run. In this weather I suggest you wear a layer that will tuck into your shorts / sweats (so you don't get cold wind up your back) and a long sleeve layer. Check out "dri-fit" stuff at Wal-Mart or Target (no need to spend alot on name brand stuff) - it's light, keeps you warm, but allows your body to breath. There are also dri-fit gloves and hats - if you keep the extremities warm, you should be fine. DON'T LET COLD WEATHER OR A LITTLE RAIN STOP YOU FROM GOING OUTSIDE TO DO YOUR TRAINING - IT MIGHT BE COLD AND/OR RAINY ON RACE DAY AND IF YOU'VE TRAINED A BIT IN BAD WEATHER, YOU'LL BE PREPARED AND CONFIDENT!!

More race day advice - runner's folklore says you shouldn't wear the race shirt prior to completing the race (it's bad luck). So, wear the stuff your comfortable in for the race (the stuff you've tried out already) and wear the race shirt PROUDLY after you're done!!!

Amber/Jazzy said...

From Emily:

Hi guys,

I love reading your notes – it’s so great to see everyone chatting. I cannot believe tomorrow is the first competition. Mercy – wait until you guys see Abi’s head piece. It’s hilarious. We are dressing as Vegas stars. Don’t forget that anyone 10 and under (in costume) gets in free.

I can relate to how Debra and Kenn are feeling; it’s a bummer when we start losing a ton of light. Treadmills are handy but it’s not the same as running outside. If you don’t run outside now, you will be sucking eggs big time at a November race or any of the December races. Mercy the cold air will explode your lungs. But if you keep running outside now, you will not even notice the difference.

Cold Weather gear:
You’ll want to find some Under Armour type clothing. Under Armour is crazy expensive and there are other companies that make similar clothing as a lesser price. Cotton will get wet from sweat and it will stay wet! Look for quick dry materials. Check out Dick’s sporting goods or I also encourage you to get quick dry running socks. Cotton socks are usually a bad idea. You can check those out at Dick’s, roadrunner sports or Front Runner.

Saturday sessions:
We’ll need to do some of our training on the weekends so we can be outside during daylight hours. Now that you’ve been kicking your body into gear, it won’t be a big deal for you to run on Saturday and Sunday (two days in a row). I propose that we add a Saturday running session. We can set it up as a “come if you can, it’s okay if you don’t” type of thing. We can rotate locations too. Elaine and I have done this for years and it helps us stay on task especially when we’re training for a longer race.

How about Antrim next Saturday, November 1. I’m available between 10:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Any takers? If so, what time is good for you? The lake at Antrim is 1.2 miles.

Amber/Jazzy said...

Hey Emily,
I could be available any of those times on Nov. 1 to run!!!

Abi - thanks for the protein shake advice I will have to look for that over the weekend.

Elaine said...

Here's my contribution to the group:

I can get UnderArmour gear at cost (which is usually half price). We sell UA gear so anything I buy I pay cost. I will add a caveat, our account is a tactical account, so technically the stuff we order has to be from their tactical line, but I have ordered non-tactical stuff in the past. Regardless, the tactical line will be perfect for getting Cold Gear stuff.

Take a look at their website Just let me know what item number, size & color and I'll order it.