Sunday, October 5, 2008

First Day of Training!

Today was a great day for many reasons. The Panthers are really starting to shine and the Panther Parents are on the prowl.
A great group of women met at the gym today for their first Prowlin' Panther Parent run. They did a 30 minute run/walk combination. They were brilliant and I had a great time.

It's a journey isn't it? We're always trying to find ways to learn about ourselves and to be better than we were yesterday. Exercising helps our bodies thrive and our minds stay sharp. This is such a wonderful way for you to support your child. By coming to the gym to exercise, you're showing them that you endorse their athletic career and want to join them in their pursuit. I feel so happy to be invited to be part of their lives and also part of your own health/athletic goals.

Remember that you really can be ready for a 5k in 8 weeks. In addition to your 30 minute EZ run/walk today, you'll want to do a 1 mile run and a 1.25 mile run. See you next Sunday at 5:00! Same time, same place.

Thanksgiving Races in Columbus:

Feel free to leave posts on this blog. Folks can discuss training plans and tips.


Debra said...

Emily you're a blogger! I guess we're all making steps forward out of our comfort zone.

Ok, so we survived the first one. I have a friend who's a fitness trainer and she has always said, "The first one is the hardest." Yay! So I guess it gets easier from here.

Vickie said...

Yes-we did have a great first run didn't we.

Has anyone read the book The Courage to Start by John Bingham. It's a good book for beginning runners. I am reading it again and would be glad to pass it along to anyone who is interested. As he says "the miracle isn't that I finished its that I had the courage to start" and he is right-that first one-gettting started-is the hardest.

Yes-I am sure it gets easier from here (I hope)

Constance said...

Thank you for including me in this fun group! I spend so much time exercising with or for others and I recently made a goal for myself to exercise for me. I am on my way!
I look forward to our next run/walk!
Remember to smile at yourself today, it feels good!

Bob said...

One of the most important things you can do as you start walking/ running is to get a good pair of running shoes. Check out Fleet Feet (Polaris); FrontRunner (Lane Ave near campus); Columbus Running Company (perimeter in Dublin). Tell them what you're doing and they will be very helpful and guide you to the right shoe. Most of the employees at these stores are current or former runners and are always willing to help with advice, etc. You'll probably need to spend $65-$100. GOOD LUCK.

John Bingham Racing sponsors a number of local events, including the Columbus Distance Classic (a 1/2 marathon in April each year in the downtown area). in fact the company is located in Dublin. The saying that is on the finisher medals for the race is:

"The miracle is not that I finished (the race) - the miracle is that I had the courage to start"

It's so true that getting started is the hard part, but once you get through the first week or two, you'll feel great!!

Also - check out for lots of tips, training ideas, etc.

Bob said...

Here's a link to an article on about running your first 5K:,7120,s6-380-381-386-11940-0,00.html

Today's a great day to get out and run/walk - it's gonna rain tomorrow, so don't delay!!

Bob said...

I'm on a boring conference call - so how's everyone feeling today - anybody sore?

Vickie said...

Yes. Even my arms. Going to take the kiddos and the dog to the park and try to run (well at least keep moving)

Bob said...

if you're sore - start slowly and stretch after you are done (stretching when you're muscles are cold does more harm than good).

Debra said...

Bob, do you run every day? Is it better to do this every day or give your body a break for a day? No I'm not just looking for a day off. :)

Bob said...

Debra- I run 4 days a week and generally don't do more than 2 days in a row. I will either take Sophie (our dog) for a long walk or go for a bike ride or do some type of cross training on 2 other days. I usually don't do anything on Saturday (Sunday morning is my long run day). You don't need to run every day, but you should try and do some other aerobic activity a couple of days a week.