- Heather and Abigail are motivated by competition,
- Katie feels good when her girlfriends compliment her,
- Vickie, Elaine and Amber have personal fitness goals,
- Debra is running for her daughter,
- Constance spends her career helping others (she's running/walking to do something nice for herself),
- Stu and Bob really enjoy running,
- Marsha came out because Amber ambushed her! But we'll convert her!
- Sue likes to be with the group and support Panther efforts.
- We're still working on getting Jules and Jenny to hit the road with us.
We're all out there for different reasons. So tell me about the other stuff.
How do you motivate yourself to do other workouts. Do you go to a gym with a friend? Do you do an exercise tape? Are you sticking with just the running right now? Is anyone doing any weight training? How about your nutrition? Are you having a hard time stepping away from the Halloween candy?
It's a pursuit...being healthy. I fall off the wagon frequently. The group is giving me the kick in the pants that I needed. Sometimes, it feels good to be heard. Tell us how you're doing.
Apparently, I whine and then go do it so I don't look like a sissy. Just kidding!
Some weeks are great, I have lots of energy and look forward to it. Others, like this week, are hard where my energy level feels low and my muscles seem to fatigue quicker. On those weeks, having the group helps.
By the way, I did get on the treadmill last night. It felt as if I was literally forcing myself to do it, but once there, I was glad. I ran into Katie at the gym when I picked up Sarah and that helped. She had her workout clothes on and said she had just increased her consecutive run to a mile and a half. WOW! Thanks, Katie. You helped motivate me last night.
I am so glad you got on the treadmill. Did you feel like you had more energy afterward? You are such a busy person and I'm sure exhausted at the end of the day. But I think you'll find a regular routine will give you more energy and increase your metabolism. I don't always pay as much attention as I should but noticed last night that you're really looking great!! Keep up the great work!!
I really love group exercise classes like kickboxing, boot camps and step aerobics. My goal is to find one that fits in with my schedule. That's the great thing about running. You can just do it anytime and just about any place.
Since I just did a walk on Monday and nothing yesterday I had a planned run this morning. It went horribly!! I notice if I walk at a fast pace for 3-5 minutes and then start my run it seems to go better but today was not the case. At about 3/4 mile I started having the pain in my calf again. This time it was really bad. I would walk slow for a while, stop and stretch and nothing would make it go away (it was a long walk back) As soon as I sat down and got off my feet it was fine.
I don't know if this has anything to do with the tendon problem I had but I am beginning to think so because it is much more pronounced on that side. I am thinking that possibly I should still be wearing the ankle brace I have and start back with the exercises that my physical therapist had me doing. Now that I think about it,I am still supposed to be doing the exercises and wearing the brace at least till December.
Anyhow thanks for listening to me whine and have a great week
Debra - I have to say that you and Sarah are looking fantastic. She was so excited last night for you to see that she was landing her tucks on her feet consistently. She is always excited when you are there to see her, it's great that you guys are finding things to do together!
I always end up running and working out after I get home from the gym at night or after class. Sometimes that can be pretty late. I just don't have the time to get to the gym.
Em has given me some great ideas on how you can just use the things around your home to get in a great work out. Besides the obvious putting on your shoes and running you can use heavy soup cans as weights (I find cans of tomato paste works the best). Wrap em in a towel and put it on your legs for ankle weights. I look ridiculous, but it works. At my house it is impossible to sit on the ground without having a dog on your lap... so I do sit ups while holding one or sometimes two dogs! Now that I have proven to myself that this is going to be something that I am going to stick to I have gotten some weights to use at home. I have gotten a medicine ball and ankle weights etc. Still can’t keep the dogs from thinking that it is time to play though!
Thanks for the support (and the compliments)! I'm feeling a little more energetic today so hopefully you won't have to listen to any more whining for a while.
Vickie, take care of yourself. It would be better to take it slower now (and wear your brace) than be off of it for a few weeks and have to start all over . . . . you certainly don't want to start all over. :)
It's interesting that Katie was talking about cross training and weights when I was talking to her at the gym, and then Abi brought it up here on this blog. You know what they say . . . "when you are ready a teacher will show themselves". I'm thinking I need to start training my muscles so I can start keeping up with you two.
Thanks for everything! I appreciate you guys!
I used to go to step and sculpt at the Powell YMCA and I loved that class. I need to start going to that class again, just haven't found the time to fit that in yet. I also want to swim laps, because swimmers also have those great bodies. I really think this would be alot easier if I could clone myself.
Okay so working out at home should be a cinch, I have a bowflex, a stationary bike, 5, 10, 20 pound hand weights, a ball, several pilates and taebo tapes.....hmmm with all this equipment I should have the body of a goddess. Oh wait, that would require me to use any of the items I just listed. So a goal of mine will be to use at least one of these items at least twice a week.
I did run/walk yesterday and I was able to run alot further then the day before.
Thanks Emily the breathing techniques that you showed us on Sunday really helped.
Hi Everyone!
Vickie, I am worried about you. Exercise comes in many shapes and sizes, if you need to back off of the running to heal you can still enjoy the walking. I really suggest you doing some additional strength training with weights, too so you feel like you are doing more and it will help to strengthen your muscles. Keep up your stretching too it helps to balance out your workout. If you are unsure of what to do ask Emily or I would be happy to write you a quick weights workout.
As for myself, I went on another run/walk yesterday though my legs wanted to stay put! I don't know the distance which is frustrating but instead ran for time. I love being outside and I know it would be easier to stay on the treadmill but I don't like it as much and the outdoors motivates me.
I am crosstraining with strength training which I love as well as lots of yoga and pilates. I also meditate daily which helps me through the hectic schedule I tend to keep and prepares me to deal with others (you know what I mean!).
Em, I am staying away from the halloween candy easily but I love stuff baked with pumpkin! Pumpkin doughnuts, cookies, bread, pie etc etc etc!!! That is tough for me! I try to balance out my food intake but also allow a little treat once in a while too so I don't go overboard later. It works for me.
Have a positive day!
When Debra and I were talking at the gym it dawned on me that I might be able to run farther now because I've been doing some new circuit training for the last few months. I think it's built up my muscles enough that my shins and hip flexors no longer hurt. We found the exercises in a book by Jillian Michaels (from The Biggest Loser). It's called "Making the Cut". I would recommend the exercises but they can be brutal. Like you won't be able to walk up or down steps for a couple of weeks brutal.....
Well following everyones advice here I called my Dr and much to my amazement he actually called me back.
His advice is wear the brace and take it slow. He said I am probably compensating for the weakness in my ankle by over-using other muscles which could be a cause of the pain. But, he didn't seem to think it was a post surgery related concern with my tendon.
I may try to do a short walk and some weight training tonight.
You guys are so wonderful and I appreciate your concern.
Hi-there is a race on November 9th called Trot for Tots and raises money for Hospice @ Nationwide CHildren's Hospital. It's a 3K and a 10K. The 3K is just under 2 miles and might be a good one to try out as a prelude to your 5K. It's at Coffman HS and starts at 1 PM so it shouldn't be too cold. Pre-registration before 11/3 is $20 and if you group 3 people together it's only $15. Here is the link to further info about the race: www.columbusrunning.com/t3.htm.
RUNNING TIP: if you get side cramps when you're running, breath-in deeply through your nose and out your mouth (do this while continuing to run). Do that 2 or 3 times and then count to 100 in cadence with your steps. The breathing and distraction of counting to 100 usually takes care of the cramps
Trot for tots now that is a race I can probably handle at this stage in my running career. 3k sounds more feasible then a 5k at the moment.
So I ran today and as usual my knees are very stiff when I first start running is there anything I can do to fix that? It is pretty uncomfortable when I first start moving and takes at least 5 min or more for the discomfort to subside.
Amber I am up for the 3k is anyone else. We can have a panther parent team-how fun!
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